6 Reasons We Love Solo Golf

Written by Leslie K. Hughes | Aug 12, 2024 5:18:29 PM

By Leslie K. Hughes

A round of golf with friends is one of the best ways to enjoy some good weather. The fun, the connection, the 19th hole drinks – it’s a social outing we all know and love. But there’s something special about taking yourself on a solo golf date with your clubs as your only companion.

Solo golf offers some great benefits that can really boost your game while also improving your overall well-being. It’s quite the win-win situation.

1. Live in the present

It’s so hard to live in the present moment in modern-day times with all of the distractions and constant noise. Even when we find moments to ourselves, they’re often spent in front of a screen.

A solo round of golf is the perfect way to focus and really enjoy the present moment. Think of it almost like a moving meditation. When you’re alone, you can pay more attention to each swing, each pause. You can take as much time as you need to line up your shot, take deep breaths before that putt and really take note of your movements.

This is great not only for your golf game, but also for your mental health.

2. Try something new

When you feel like others in your golf group are waiting on you, it’s hard to try out a new approach to your chip shot or a new putting grip.

But when you’re playing alone, you’ve got plenty of time to experiment and try new shots you’ve been practicing

3. Enjoy nature

All that green on the course is worth enjoying for more than just your golf game. Take this solo golf game as the perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature. Listen to the birds around you, feel the sun on your face and really breathe in that fresh air.

This makes solo golf a very grounding and re-balancing experience.

4. Time to reflect

When you’ve only got yourself to keep company, it’s amazing the problems you can solve. If you’ve been feeling stressed or anxious, a solo round of golf is the perfect opportunity to try and sort through some of your current challenges and get a fresh perspective on them.

It’s also nice to just let your mind wander and see where it takes you! You may find yourself coming up with some great creative ideas out there.

5. Build confidence

Golf can be a very difficult sport, especially when you’re playing the comparison game and comparing your own game to others in your group. This is especially true if you’re new to the game or aren’t as regular of a player.

Solo golf gives you the opportunity to make mistakes without worrying what others think, which helps to build up confidence. Plus, you know that you’re aiming to playing well for yourself, rather than for the attention from others.

6. Shake it off

We all have those days when we just can’t hit a good shot to save our lives. Playing alone is a wonderful opportunity to learn how to shake those bad shots off, take a deep breath and remember why you’re here – to have fun! There’s no pressure to perform, just you enjoying the game of golf with all of its challenges and glories.

Sometimes a round of golf with your friends is just what you need. But there may be times when you are craving some solo time. And the next time that happens, grab your clubs and head out on the course for a solo adventure. This fresh perspective on golf and your live may be just what you need.