Practice Smarter, Not Harder

Written by Tina Mickelson | Jul 16, 2024 7:54:19 PM

By Tina Mickelson

Temperature and weather certainly affect the way we play, but many of us forget that it also affects the way we practice. It is important to be aware of just how much the current warm weather can affect our practice sessions, and how we can navigate our way through it. Because it’s during these practice sessions that we ingrain muscle memory, implement swing changes and strive for more consistency on the golf course. Therefore, the quality of our practice time is much more important than how long we practice. And with this warm weather, it is more important than ever to practice smarter, not harder. For example, instead of hitting full swing drivers on the range, find some shade by a putting green and practice some chipping or 4-foot putts. Both scenarios are an important part of a round of golf, but you will get more out of your practice session if your level of comfort (as well as energy level) is higher.

If you start to feel yourself getting over tired due to the heat during your practice session, the best thing you can do for yourself (and your golf game) is to stop. It’s very easy to start to create and ingrain very bad habits when you are tired or overheated. I’ve watched many students stick around after a lesson or round of golf to ingrain their most recent swing thoughts, only to fade into halfhearted oblivion because they were so baked and drained. Needless to say, all swing thoughts go out the window, they start to hit the ball poorly and their confidence is shot.

So for all of my die hard golfers out there who are dedicated to some intense practice sessions, good for you! But also, pay close attention to your condition as you practice. Take water and shade breaks. And if you feel yourself starting to fade, end your practice session knowing you have done all you can for that day. It’s better to stop on a high note and while you are still feeling good. Not only will your level of confidence be higher, but you will be more excited about your next practice session.