The Ideal Golf Fitness Routine

Written by Leslie Hughes | Jan 18, 2024 8:30:00 PM

By Leslie K. Hughes

In an ideal world, you could just step out onto the golf course without any prep and have the perfect swing and most precise putts.

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but that’s not how this sport works. Success on the golf course requires lots of practice – and that practice doesn’t just take place on the practice greens and on the driving range. Practice also looks like keeping up a fitness routine that helps you prepare for the challenges that each round presents. Because every day is different in golf.

The physical and mental focus that this sport requires is something that doesn’t come easily, and most of us have to work for it. But you can make that work fun by creating a golf fitness routine that’s tailored specifically to you; a routine that allows you to focus on your unique strengths while also developing entirely new strengths to make you a challenging opponent out there.

Whether you’re an experienced golfer or hitting the tee box for the first time, this comprehensive fitness routine will empower you to hit the course with confidence while also achieving fitness goals that will benefit you in other areas of your life, too.

Talk about a win-win!


Before we dive into the ideal fitness routine, let’s first talk about the basics of golf fitness you’ll need to master.


You may be surprised to see this one on the list, as golf is a far cry from your typical flexible activity like yoga.

But, to find success with your swing, you need to master flexibility. That’s because a good swing encompasses a full range of motion. This is not only for a better, more controlled swing but also to prevent injury.


You may be familiar with the phrase in golf: “Kiss it, don’t kill it,” meaning you don’t want to hit the ball with all of your might. My grandfather used to say that to me all the time, and he was right – every time I tried my hardest to hit the ball, I would miss it or end up with a terrible shot.

However, my grandfather’s great advice doesn’t mean that golf doesn’t require strength. You don’t need to be a bodybuilder, but you do need to have a strong core as well as strong legs and arms to achieve a powerful swing that also boasts consistency.


It’s no secret that golf isn’t a quick game. It can take hours to play a round, which means endurance becomes very important in this sport.

It’s crucial to stay focused mentally and physically throughout your time on the course, and that takes practice. Even if you’re playing with a golf cart and cut out all the walking, it still takes a great deal of endurance to swing your way through 18 holes of golf.


Balance is something you may not have considered as part of golf, but it most certainly is.

Having a stable foundation helps your swing to stay strong, smooth, and consistent. And, balance is also important to reduce your risk of getting injured.

Mental Focus

It seems the physical parts of golf get all the attention and is what many people focus their practice on. But a few rounds of golf will have you see that the mental part of this game is just as important.

Golf requires a great deal of patience and focus, so you’ll need to practice mental exercises as well to help you maintain mental strength when the game gets tough (because, trust us – it always does, eventually).


Now that we’ve covered those basics, let’s get into your golf fitness routine that can help you achieve success out there.

1. Warm-Up (10 minutes)

You never want to go into a golf game cold. And no, we aren’t talking about temperature (though golf in the cold isn’t something we love doing, either). We are talking about going in with a body that hasn’t warmed up.

Every golf game and every practice should start with a warm-up. This helps prep your body for the workout ahead and also helps to prevent injury.

This warmup can include things such as:

  • Arm circles
  • Leg swings
  • Torso twists
  • Hip rotations
  • Jumping jacks

2. Flexibility (15 minutes)

As we chatted about earlier, flexibility is key for a good golf swing.

Here are some quick and easy ways to build some flexibility practices into your workout routine.

Neck and Shoulder Rolls

Your neck and shoulders play a major role in golf, so you want to give them the attention they deserve.

Start by rolling your neck gently from side to side and work out any kinks.

Next, move to your shoulders. Roll them in a circular motion forward, and then reverse.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Your hips are another crucial part of your golf game, and this stretch is great to loosen them up.

Step forward with your right leg into a lunge position, and gently lean forward into your leg. You should feel this stretch in your hip flexor. Hold for 30 seconds - 1 minute and repeat with your left leg.

Torso Twist

Twisting is a natural part of your golf game, but it may not feel natural in other parts of your life. So you want to make it feel more natural by practicing.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and twist your torso to the right, reaching your left arm across your body. Do this a few times and repeat on the other side.

3. Strength (20 minutes)

There are many ways you can build the strength you need to power your golf swing, but here are some ways for you to get started in adding strength to your core, your legs, and your upper body.


You may dread the thought of these, but hear us out: planks are an incredible way to build your core. Start with holding your plank for 30 seconds, and work up from there as you increase your stamina and strength.


You can work on boosting your leg stregnth in the comfort of your own home while watching your favorite show.

Squat down 10-12 times, each time returning to the starting position. Try to get your knees to go behind your ankles, or as close to it as possible.

Do at least 2 sets of 10-12 squats.


Another easy at-home workout is pushups. Well, when we say “easy” we mean that it doesn’t require any equipment. Push-ups certainly aren’t easy, though they are a great way to strengthen your upper body as well as your core – a two-for-one deal!

Try to do as many as you can, which will increase over time.

4. Endurance (15 minutes)

Golf is an endurance sport, and that endurance is something that you’ve got to work your way up to.

A great way to do this is with some cardio. Before you get too worried, we don’t mean that you have to run 5 miles. Cardio can also mean a light jog or even a brisk walk. Hiking serves as a fun way to build up endurance, too.

Start with 15 minutes, and build your way to more time as you can.

5. Balance (10 minutes)

Boosting your balance will help your golf game in so many ways. You’ll see more consistent shots, more stability, and better control of where your ball goes.

Here are some ways to work on that.

Single-Leg Stance

This sounds easy, but we promise it’s challenging at first (but worth it). Stand on one leg and try to balance for at least 30 seconds.

Switch to the other leg and do the same.

Bosu Ball Exercises

Bosu balls are like those giant exercise balls but cut in half. And they present a great challenge for balance.

You can use a Bosu ball in many different ways – for squats, lunges, and to elevate your single-leg stance exercise, too.

6. Mental Focus (20 minutes)

And now comes the mental part, which for some may be the most difficult.

There are lots of options when it comes to working on your mental focus, but here are some of our favorites:

  • Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Journaling
  • Crossword puzzles
  • Reading
  • Visualization

Think of mental focus exercises as practices that will help you stay calm, focused, and confident out on the course – especially when things get tough.

7. Cool Down and Stretch (10 minutes)

It’s important to take time to cool down after a workout. This aids with recovery and is also a bonus for getting some more flexibility work in.

Take at least 10 minutes to stretch all your main muscle groups. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. You want to feel the stretch, but you don’t want to push it so far that it becomes painful.

All these exercises are great for your golf game, but also your life as a whole.


When you bring together all of these exercises, you have a holistic approach to golf fitness. You cover everything from flexibility to strength to endurance to balance to mental focus and beyond.

If you take the time to incorporate this routine into your life at least 3 times a week (ideally 4-5), then you will notice a big difference out on the course. Not only will these exercises help to improve your game, but they will also help with preventing injury and boosting your overall physical and mental health. And they make golf more fun, too, which is really what it’s about.

So get out there, start moving your body and quieting your mind, and you’ll soon be reaping the great rewards.